Mission and Values
To be a a church where ALL peoples experience the love of God in community.
We value each person as a uniquely created by God. We value differences and individuality while choosing to submit to one another in love to preserve unity and advance the Kingdom. We value unguarded relationships with one another and with God.

We incorporate worship into every aspect of our ministry and take time for extended worship in group settings. Worship establishes God’s throne over a people and over a community. He inhabits our praises and we love His presence.
We reject paternalistic models of mission and instead seek out ways to work together with other ministries, churches, community groups, and passionate individuals to help meet basic needs including food, housing, education opportunities, and friendship. Mission for us is about affirming the dignity of another and respecting their agency and unique story. Hospitality and a place of belonging- being loved and known as you are- have been central to our mission from the beginning.

Justice is a message that is central to Jesus’ life, ministry, and message. He taught His followers to embrace humility, to reject hierarchies which elevated one person above another, to demonstrate mercy, and to socialize and embrace as family those whose lifestyles defied cultural conventions. In our context that means we recognize the reality of systemic racism and are committed to anti-racist practices. We are an affirming and reconciling church offering an open door to fellowship and full participation to all, regardless of gender expression, sexual orientation, or relationship status. It also means we are all still learning and in need of mercy and forgiveness as we trade old ways of thinking and acting for an embodied faith that centers the oppressed rather than the privileged.
The Kingdom of God is a family and we seek to reflect that in all we do. We do life together, supporting one another, encouraging and building one another up, celebrating with one another, and standing with one another during times of testing and failure. We look for ways to serve and love one another and are authentic with one another. We both give and receive love, encouragement, and practical help from one another. We strive to live in and represent Kingdom family in a way that communicates to one another and others that they are wanted and accepted and loved.

Overflow International, Inc.